This, as always, is so helpful. Thank you for your careful and judicious labour. And I do love how you put the burden of proof for questions and projections made by (what shall we call them ...) the newer zealous masculinists back on them. The real question as you say is whence and why their view has come about in the history of Christianity. This is timely.

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Thankyou for sharing. I was not aware of this book and I have just ordered it. I am interested to read more about her analysis on procreation. I like this point here: Likewise, if transcendence itself is masculinized, then one cannot help but end up with a position that sees men as superior and closer to God, women as inferior and further away. I had this idea for years until I read the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and I was surprised that a woman could see a vision.. it was my start with feminist theology. I will be reading more of your posts. Thankyou!

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