Apr 29, 2023Liked by Seumas Macdonald

I was thinking about your blog yesterday Seamus, and even before your post this morning I was thinking ‘he has a special gift at reading other books and passing on their nectar to his readers. ‘ I really have gotten a lot out of reading over your shoulder in the short time I’ve been following. The review on the Next Evangelicalism is superb. I was going to say a few other things too if I may 1) you are SO right re MLK as the preacher (not Edwards ). My profession is historian of US Christianity and I couldn’t agree more re properly hearing him. Even his letter from Birmingham Jail is a wonderful piece of churchmanship. 2) totally agree re the Cappadocians. 3) totally agree re there needing a better articulation of the place that post or ex-vangelicals might land (in a positive sense) after making the valid critiques.

So thanks again - and keep being you and reading voraciously and sharing it with those of us less able !

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Thanks for your kind comments! Glad to be of service.

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