(I think I've been trying to draft this post for about three months. It’s the most painful thing to try to write)
In 2024...
... my dad died. I wrote about this here.
... I worked in a (part-time) paid ministry position for the first time in about a decade. This was engaging, enjoyable, and satisfying. Sometimes frustrating. Mostly good.
... I achieved some major fitness goals! Despite having surgery that made me stop for a month.
... I successfully read fewer books! (Amazing achievement, I know) I finished 27 books, which is still one every two weeks.
Looking back, the start of the year seems so long ago, but I finally finished John Harris' One Blood, and wrote my way through Crump's book on prayer; I thoroughly enjoyed Smith's On the Road with St. Augustine, and was floored by J.S. Park's As Long as you Need. I think that was one of the most moving books I’ve read this year.
I didn't write a post about it, partly because I kept trying and couldn’t work out how, but in September I read Marisa Franco's Platonic, a book about applying psychology and sociology to friendships which gave me lots of food for thought.
My final book of the year was Richard Evans' The Coming of the Third Reich. This is the first in a trilogy, and gives an account of the history of the pre-1933 period, Germany in the late 19th century, the emergence of the Weimar republic, and the rise of Nazism and its cultural, social, and political shape, right through to the events of 1933. It's incredibly interesting, and disturbing.
... I had some writing projects which are both at 98% completed. One of them is stalled because of factors (people) outside my control; the other just needs a few more hours of my time. I have more writing plans for 2025 though, mostly in ancient Greek.
... I thought some personal things would get better and they didn't really and I'm learning to live with the idea that they won't.
... I wrote less here, but on purpose; I stopped forcing myself to publish twice a week and pump out book reviews, and I think that was for the best.
... Top 5 posts (by substack stats):
because it got shared to facebook, and was very topical at the time in certain local circles
a book review, but it got a lot of hits from google.
Of fathers and sons - about my dad's death
The Screwtape Letters - I finally read this classic
Of Boys and Men - another book review! book reviews did surprisingly well
2025 is almost here! What's ahead:
I have a pessimistic view of likely developments in global politics
I have an optimistic view of things closer to home though. I'm hopeful for a good year in family life, in church life, in my working career, and in fitness. Why not, maybe I could just have a good year for once. But even if I don't, I have the means to weather the storms.
I'm beginning new initiatives in Ancient Greek including video materials, and writing and publishing.
I plan to read more books than last year, but less than 2023. How's that sound? Maybe 52. I plan to get back to writing a few more reviews. I'm trying to get the right balance of types of books too - ancient classics and modern topicals.
I am still working out what I want to do writing wise. Substack is pretty healthy for me, it gives me a schedule and routine, a regular outlet, and pushes me to read, think, and write; those are all healthy things for me, especially since it provides an alternate space to my actual jobs and my non-existent academic career. I did agree to write a couple of external things for 2025, but most of my other writing is likely to be in ancient Greek, so this at least gives me an English language outlet.
Overall, I’m thankful for the year. Thankful for the ways in which I’ve grown, for the opportunities I’ve been given, for the friends who have loved and supported me, for the varied and good gifts the Lord has given. It’s been a good year, even with all its downsides.
Is there a particular post or thought from this year that resonated with you? Reply to the email newsletter to let me know, or leave a comment!
Here’s a picture of the beautiful Narrawallee, my regular summer get-away, and where I’m sending this final 2024 post from:
Merry Christmas, Seumas!